Tuesday, March 14, 2023

We are FINALLY turning the corner to Spring!

I don't know about you, but this winter has felt like it's gone on forever!  Where I live in SE Idaho, it's been dark, gray and COLD!  In fact, it's been so cold that the average high temperature in my town was 5o below normal, and the average low temperatures were even lower than that.  And we've had snow, snow, SNOW!  The snow at the top of my driveway (where snow gets tossed from the driveway and sidewalk) is nearly 6-feet tall!  So, whenever there is a sign of Spring, or at least Spring to come, it's cause to celebrate!  And that news came today from the far north...the Arctic Ocean.  

According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, it looks like we have finally turned the corner from this year's maximum sea ice extent, and we may be headed back toward summer.

On top of that, I'm currently visiting family in Montana, and the melt here appears to be on!  This doesn't mean that it won't snow again...it probably will...but it does my heart so much good to see temperatures above freezing, melt water dripping down icicles, and puddles of water here and there during midday.  Plus, I've started hearing black-capped chickadees calling.  These are non-migratory birds, but they don't start calling until they are ready to start seeking out mates...and this means Springtime!

I say bring it on!  We have had snow on the ground constantly since before Thanksgiving where I live, and I'll be happy to see grass (albeit brown) again!