Friday, January 23, 2015

Students and professors, how to use

According to

" (RMP) is a review site, founded in May 1999 by John Swapceinski, a software engineer from Menlo Park, California, which allows college and university students to assign ratings to professors and campuses of American, Canadian, and United Kingdom institutions. The site was originally launched as and converted to RateMyProfessors in 2001. was acquired in 2005 by Patrick Nagle and William DeSantis.[1] Nagle and DeSantis later resold in 2007 to Viacom's mtvU, MTV’s College channel.[2] is the largest online destination for professor ratings. The site has 8,000+ schools and over 1,000,000 ratings[3]".

If you are a student:

RMP is a great source of information about schools and professors.  The postings you will find there are from other students who have attended these schools or had these professors, and their experiences can help you decide which school to attend or which professor to take classes from.
When you select a professor you will see a page that includes this information at the top (this is my page):
Each page shows a professor's name and institution.  It also gives an overall summary of students' perception of their quality as a teacher in three areas: 1) helpfulness, 2) clarity, and 3) easiness.  These scores are on a scale of 0-5 (5 being best).  There is also a Hotness rating which is, well, how hot students think a professor is.  I am obviously not hot...ha!  Oh well, luckily my life doesn't center on how hot my students think I am.
Below this summary is a listing of all the summaries posted to date for the professor.  These reviews look like this (this happens to be the review at the top of the list as of this writing):

Each review indicates the class they took, how they thought the professor did in each of the three main areas listed above, as well as some additional comments if entered.

A word of warning:  

If you are a student you should always check to see many reviews the professor has.  If there are fewer than about 50 reviews I'd be wary of the summary data.  Even 50 postings may be too small a sample to get a statistically meaningful idea of a professor's quality.  Why do I say this?  In my experience there are primarily two groups of students who post to RMP on their own: Group 1 absolutely loves the professor, and Group 2 are students who hate the professor's guts.  For this reason small numbers of reviews for a professor can be heavily influenced by only a few very high or a few very low be careful.

A second word of warning:

The other thing to be aware of when you check out a professor is that RMP is an unmoderated site.  That is, there is no process that verifies that someone who has posted actually had that professor, that class, or even attends that school.  There are, believe it or not, web trolls who spend their time visiting sites like this and posting fraudulent reviews.  So again, even though summary data look convincing, take all information at unmoderated sites like this with a grain of salt.

If you are a professor:

Too many professors look at RMP as the enemy because without additional incentives only students who love them and especially those who hate them tend to post to RMP.

If you are a professor (as I am) there is a way to help students (and yourself) gain meaningful and reliable feedback via RMP.  The only way to do this is to boost the number of reviews you have, and to get them from as many students as possible.  Here's what I do:

I offer students a small amount extra credit to go to RMP at the end of the semester and post a review for me.  I tell them that I don't care what they put in their reviews (they are anonymous anyway) as long as they are honest and their review indicates their experience they had in my class and with me as a professor.  It's amazing what 5 points of extra credit can do.

If you do this you do this you can rapidly increase the number of reviews at your site.  Statistically, the more reviews you have from the entire cross-section of students in your classes, the closer the average scores for each category will reflect reality.  Also, larger numbers of reviews will damp out the effects of students who enter unusually high or unusually low scores.  There will of course still be students who love and hate us, but those extreme students will no longer be able to hold our RMP scores hostage.

At last count I had over 1100 reviews.  Once you reach this level one high or one low score will have no measurable effect on overall averages.  And this can all be yours for 5 points of extra credit!


  1. I started doing something similar, but didn't go far enough. I would ask students to add a RMP review after finishing the normal course evaluations they did on campus each semester. It increased my RMP reviews, but not by much.

    I'll use your suggestion in the future!

    1. Hi - The goal of increasing the number of student reviews is to damp out extremes at both ends of the spectrum and provide the most realistic indicator of student experience possible.

      Have a great day!
